I wish you all a happy Christmas together with your family and friends!
sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 2010
miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010
Polus 3 ani
În data de 16 octombrie 2010,Polus Center din Cluj-Napoca a sărbătorit 3 anișori de la deschidere. Cu această ocazie,cunoscutul bucătar Adi Hădean împreună cu Anda Calinici au realizat un tort uriaș,de aproape o tonă."A arătat ca o masă mare, cu sigla Polus în zona centrală și cu 32 de table de șah la două capete, ca și cum ar fi așteptat 64 de șahiști pentru un joc simultan"(declară Adi Hădean pe blogul personal). Asamblarea a fost făcută live în zona food-court a mall-ului.
Eu am fost acolo încă de la ora 13,când se anunțase că ar începe asamblarea,dar din păcate aceasta a început în jurul orei 16. Asamblarea a durat în jur de 6-7 ore,ea finalizându-se în jurul orei 22:00.
Tortul a fost oferit doritorilor contra sumei minime de 2 lei. Banii strânși au fost donați de către organizația Habitat pentru umanitate pentru construirea unor noi adăposturi pentru cei care au mare nevoie de ele.
Pentru rețetă și mai multe informații privind realizarea tortului,vizitați blogul lui Adi Hădean și site-ul Andei Calinici.
marți, 21 septembrie 2010
Thailand,the land of smiley people
The Thai cultural festival took place between 18-22 September in Bucharest. Craftsmen and dancers from Thailand came there and show their most beautiful traditions.
It was an interesting experience, as long as I can’t travel to Thailand, I’m glad that I could see their traditions here, in my country. Thai people were very nice, smiling all the time and trying to answer you, even though they didn’t know English very well. In the end, I asked an craftsman if they will come back next year and he said that it is very likely to return because everything worked very well and they made good money.
Firstly,the festival was places in the Peasant Museum and after that it was moved to Cismigiu Park. There weren’t so many things as in the first place, but we could also see dancers and craftsmen.
The program was starting at 1 pm with some dance demonstrations, we could see a dance ceremony for agriculture and it lasted until 5 pm. During this period every craftsman was working: some were making Thai dolls, some animals by shaping the sugar and others were making fans and fishes from palm wood.
On 18 and 19 when they were at the Peasant Museum, they had also umbrellas made from paper and hand painted , but they were all sold when untill they moved to Cismigiu.
The most interesting craftsman was the one that made animals from sugar. He made horses, kangaroos, monkeys and whatever you were asking. Nevertheless, the most beautiful figurine was a dragon. It was the most difficult to made and it was up for auction at the end of the day with the starting price of 15 ron.
vineri, 10 septembrie 2010
Cha no yu at Rendez-Vous Café
Cha no yu is the Japanese tea ceremony. It is an important tradition in Japan which in this crazy modern world gives you the moment of peace you need.
Today, I had the opportunity to see a little demonstration at Randez-Vous Café in the old part of Bucharest. The space was very small and there took place two events at the same time, a girl from Japan played at shamisen and two other girls from Romanian-Japanese Studies Center organized a tea ceremony demonstration.
I couldn’t be in two places at once so I chose the tea ceremony. The girls explained us what tea ceremony means in Japan and how important is the way it is realized. They also told us that everything has to be unitedly : the people, the objects, the nature .The atmosphere during the ceremony was very nice and all that silence gave you an inner peace. At the end of the ceremony, the “host” told us the names of the objects that she used, their importance and also how they were made.
In the end, they served tea to anyone who wanted to taste it. An interesting thing was that they served cookies and chocolate before tea the reason being that the green tea tastes bitter.
The organizers were very kind, answered our questions and explained to us the whole ceremony. They also told us that the ceremony was a very small one, because of the small place and the large number of people who wanted to see it, and suggested to us to come to the Romanian-Japanese Studies Center to see a real one.
sâmbătă, 4 septembrie 2010
Targ de produse eco si traditionale
Ati fost la Targul de produse Eco si Traditionale de saptamana trecuta?Daca raspunsul este nu, stati linistiti,nu ati pierdut nimic extraordinar. A fost un targ mic,cu maxim 7-8 standuri,cu produse din diferite parti ale tarii si un stand cu produse din Ungaria.
Pe langa nelipsitul Kurtos Kalacs, am mai putut gasi branzeturi,prajituri traditionale din Maramures si nu in ultimul rand Braga (pentru necunoscatori, bautura facuta din tarate,foarte apreciata pe vremuri).
Pe langa acestea,care mi-e una mi s-au parut mai interesante, au mai fost un stand cu diverse lucruri traditionale,cum ar fi cosuri din paie, covoare, diverse articole de imbracaminte facute din lana,obiecte decorative din lemn,un stand cu miere si produse apicole si un stand cu ceaiuri si plante medicinale.Aici erau si ceva pernute umplute cu plante care,cica ,te ajutau sa dormi bine.
Una peste alta, a fost acceptabil targul,ma asteptam sa fie ceva mai mare, cum a fost cel de mestesugari de prin mai,dar probabil nu prea sunt oameni interesati de produse traditionale in oras,mare pacat.

miercuri, 25 august 2010
Natural medicine
Underbrush is a wild plant well known for its medicinal properties.There are a few people that pick it up and sell it on the market,but it is very expensive because it is very hard to pick up
In general people make syrup from it and drink it with mineral water,but you can also make jam or oil.It is a very good antioxidant for you body.
In general people make syrup from it and drink it with mineral water,but you can also make jam or oil.It is a very good antioxidant for you body.
marți, 24 august 2010
Handmade dolls
Handmade dolls are representative for each country,in general they wear national costumes.
First doll is from Cluj-Napoca, it's a Hungarian doll made from rags.The second is a doll from Bulgaria,Balcik and it's made from rope and rags.It is more tough than the other one.
They are very different from one country to another and I think it would be very interesting to see how they are actually made.
sâmbătă, 21 august 2010
Sad eyes
The youngest monkey from zoo.
It is so sad that people treat the animals in this way.From my point of view ,we don't need a zoo to see the wild animals,we can very well to go in a natural park and see them,if we want this.
In general the zoo has become a place where somebody comes just to have fun.People laugh because the monkeys or other animals eat any food from them,but they don't think that it is not a good thing.
Finally,if you want to make a zoo,just bring two or three species and take care of them and when people will see that everything it's nice and clean,they will come back for sure.
miercuri, 18 august 2010
marți, 17 august 2010
miercuri, 2 iunie 2010
joi, 13 mai 2010
Morning kiss
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
There are many ways in which you can see a flower.You see it as it is,a simple flower,or like a beauty of the nature. It depends on the human nature.
My way of seeing this beauties depends on the sunlight,more exactly, on the morning light. It gives new perspectives to ordinary things.
marți, 16 martie 2010
Bad luck,try again
I was in Herastrau,a park from Bucharest, a few days ago and I found a little competition between rollers.It was interesting and i'm glad i could experiment on this subject.I've never had the chance to take photos of skaters,bikers or rollers.
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